Spencer Township Regular Board Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at 5:30 pm in the township hall basement at 14960 Meddler Ave, please park around back and enter in from the basement doors
For a copy of the minutes, send request to Clerk@spencertwp.org, please specify date of meeting.
Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are the FIRST Wednesday of the months of February, May, August and November at 7:30 pm in the township hall basement at 14960 Meddler Ave, please park around back and enter in from the basement doors.
Any changes or Special meetings will be posted under the announcements on the home page.
For a copy of the minutes, send request to Zoning Administrator at Treasurer@spencertwp.org, please specify date of meeting.
To be announced.
To be announced.
To be announced.
To be announced.